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Formatting Blocks in C# with Editors WinForms Control

The Kettic Auto Completion Box Control is designed for .NET UI Designers to easily fill in text. This functionality resembles the behavior of To field of the Outlook, in which users can fill in the recipients to send a new message. There are various powerful features of the Auto Completion Box Control, such as the different layout modes, auto-complete in bound and unbound mode of Outlook style, theming mechanism and customizable appearance, selection and navigation, localizable context menu, and flexible and intuitive API.

Formatting Blocks in C#

The Kettic Auto Completion Box Control for Windows Forms allows UI designers customize the appearance for each instance of ITextBlock. The C# code below shows how to easily subscribe to the FormattingTextBlock event, which only occurs while relocating the text blocks. It will also happens in editing, resizing control and more. It is necessary to subscribe to the FormattingTextBlock event before the Text property being initialized.

void autoCompleteBox_TextBlockFormatting(object sender, TextBlockFormattingEventArgs e)
TokenizedTextBlockElement token = e.TextBlock as TokenizedTextBlockElement;
if (token != null)
token.GradientStyle = Kettic.WinControls.GradientStyles.Solid;
token.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
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