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Windows Forms Time Picker Control
Create interactive time UI experience for your windows forms C# applications.
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Time Picker Properties, Events, and Structure

The Time Picker WinForms control allows the end users to type time value to the field of the Time Picker control and edit as demand. Additionally, it provides drop down time for users to choose both the hours and the minutes. The following article shows the Structure, Properties and Events of the Time Picker control by which .NET UI designers can easily customize the control in C# code for Windows Forms application.

Structure of Time Picker Control

The structure of time picker control is simple and ready to use for developers. It is really easy to get the control elements when you need them. The elements included in the Time Picker control contains the Time Picker element, popup content element, popup content element hours table, popup content element minute table, button panel, button panel element, clock element, and clock header element.

Properties of Time Picker Control

  • Value, this property is used to set the value to the Time Picker control.
  • ThemeName, the theme name property determines the themes that will be apply to the time picker control
  • RowHeight, the row height property is able to set the height of the rows in the hour and minutes tables
  • ColumnsCount, the column count property is able to set the number of the column in the hour and minutes tables
  • Culture, the culture property is used to customize the clock hour format in the drop down and the editable area, 12-hour and 24-hour available.
  • CloseButtonText, this property is used to customize the button text in the dropdown
  • HeadersHeight, the headers height property is used to adjust the headers size, such as headers size of clock, hours and minutes
  • TableWidth, the table width property controls the hours and minutes tables width in the drop down
  • ClockLocation, the clock location property determines the clock position against to the tables.
  • ButtonPanelHeight, this property is used to determine the buttons panel height at the bottom of the drop down
  • Step, the step property determines steps of the minutes
  • NullText, when the value is set to null, the text will be displayed in the time picker element
  • TimeTables, this property is used to display hours and minutes in tables
  • ReadOnly, when this property is enabled, the Time Picker control can be read only and cannot be modified

Events of Time Picker Control

  • ValueChange, this event will appear when developers change the value
  • ValueChanged, this event means the value has been changed
  • TimeCellFormatting, this event means occurs when developers create or display a cell to format its appearance.
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