Date Time WinForms Control Overview
The Kettic Date Time Picker WinForms control is designed for .NET UI designers to create interactive date time UI experience for their Windows Forms applications. It is capable of providing drop down calendar for users to select dates. The Date Picker control can be seamlessly integrated into the Calendar control and is able to create a comprehensive date input interface for Windows Forms applications. With this feature, developers could enter the date in the date picker or select the date from the popup calendar. And synchronization between the Date Picker control and Calendar control will be implemented if any change has been done.
Features of the Date Time WinForms Control
Built in Internationalization Support
The Kettic Date Time Picker WinForms control offers the internationalization support by using together with the Calendar control which provides built in internationalization support. With the Calendar control, developers can create ready to use applications globally. For example,
With Culture property support, we can specify the application to a particular country or region from the drop down list in the Properties Window or set in C# code.
Right-to-Left language support allows developers build application used in languages such as Arabic, Persian, Urdu. The default value is false.
Various date format and custom pattern available for selection. Users can select one of the Short, Long, Full Date and Time, etc. from the Format property or customize the date pattern with the CustomFormat property as demand. |
UI Controlsfor Windows Forms .NET WinForms UI Overview.NET WinForms UI Features.NET WinForms UI GuideC# WinForms UI DesignVB.NET WinForms UI DesignWinForms UI Controls WinForms Buttons UI Control WinForms Calendar UI ControlWinForms Carousel UI ControlWinForms Chart UI ControlWinForms Clock UI ControlCommandBar UI ControlWinForms Dock UI ControlDesktop Alert UI ControlDropDown List UI ControlWinForms Editor UI Control AutoCompleteBoxBox Get Started in C#Text EditingModesFormat BlocksCustom BlocksEditor Browse EditorEditor Color BoxEditor Date Time PickerGet Started in C#C# PropertiesEditor MaskedEditBoxGet Started in C#C# PropertyEditor TextBoxGet Started in C#Add Buttons in C#Editor TextBoxControlGet Started in C#Caret Position and SelectionText EditingAuto CompleteFormat BlocksCustom BlocksEditor Time PickerGet Started in C#Time Picker - PropertiesTime Picker - CustomizationTime Picker - LocalizationForms and Dialogs UI ControlWinForms GridView UI ControlWinForms ListView UI ControlWinForms Menu UI ControlWinForms ComboBox UI ControlWinForms PageView UI ControlPanels and Labels UI ControlWinForms Panorama UI ControlWinForms PDFViewer UI ControlWinForms Property Grid UI ControlWinForms Ribbon UI ControlWinForms PivotGrid UI ControlWinForms RichTextBox UI ControlWinForms Rotator UI ControlWinForms Scheduler UI ControlWinForms Shortcuts UI ControlWinForms SpellChecker UI ControlWinForms Track & Status UI ControlWinForms TreeView UI ControlWinForms Wizard UI ControlWinForms Test UI ControlWinForms Theme UI Control |