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RibbonBar WinForms Control
Customize Start Menu for the user interface of the RibbonBar in C# applications
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RibbonBar Start Menu Customization in C#.NET

Like the start menu included in the Microsoft Office, the KetticRibbonBar control offers a similar Start Menu placed at the upper left corner of the RibbonBar control. The start menu is a kettic menu and includes the same menu element as the KetticMenu control for Windows Forms, such as the menu items which are shown as images or text, or even both of them, ComboBoxes, Custom Items, and Separators. The KetticRibbonBar allows the users to place these items into two columns.

Add Items to Start Menu of RibbonBar

To design the user interface of KetticRibbonBar start menu, we can begin with adding items into it. The steps below demonstrate how to add an item into the start menu of RibbonBar.
  1. In your KetticRibbonForm project, drag and drop a KetticRibbonBar control on the form.
  2. Open Smart Tags menu of the control, choose the Edit StartMenuItems or the Edit StartMenuRightColumnItems to edit the items in the Start Menu column.
  3. In the Collection Editor of the KetticElement, expand the drop down arrow of the Add button and choose the element that will be added to the Start Menu.
  4. Customize the kettic element by modifying the properties of the new item of start menu in the Properties window.
  5. Finally, click OK. A new item has been added into the Start Menu. To add more items, follow the steps above.

Remove Items from RibbonBar Start Menu

When the interface designers want to delete an item from the RibbonBar Start Menu, they can follow the steps as below.
  1. In your KetticRibbonForm project, choose the KetticRibbonBar control on the form.
  2. In the Properties window, find the StartMenuItems or the StartMenuRightColumnItems, and click the ellipsis button
  3. And then choose the item that will be deleted in the Collection Editor of KetticElement. Click Remove to delete the Start Menu item.

Handling C# Events of Start Menu Item

KetticRibbonBar .NET component allows the users to handling the C# events of a Start Menu item. First of all, we shall choose the item in the Start Menu from the chosen combo box in the Properties window. Secondly, hit the C# events toolbar button. Finally, double clicks the event to generate an event handler.

C# code for Applying Image to RibbonBar Start Menu

It is simple to apply an image into the Start Menu of RibbonBar. This is accomplished by setting the StartButtonImage property of the KetticRibbonBar using a C# code snippet as below. The image size will be adjusted automatically by the KetticRibbonBar Start Button.

this.ketticRibbonBar1.StartButtonImage = startMenuButtonImage;
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