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RibbonBar Control for Windows Forms
Create innovative user interfaces and build Office 2007 and 2010 ribbon bar design
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Add Images to RibbonBar in C#

KetticRibbonBar control is capable of adding two images to any RibbonBar elements, including buttons, check boxes, and repeat buttons. The user interface designer can easily add the KetticRibbonBar component into the .NET projects and manage all the functionality of the Windows Forms application in a compact toolbar control. It is easy to extend and implement the RibbonBar control in a ribbon form. KetticRibbonBar also provides fully customizable application menu support, Office 2010 backstage view support, and nested controls.

Assign Large and Small Images to KetticRibbonBar Element

KetticRibbonBar allows the designers to add two images to the elements. We can add images by using the properties like, Image, ImageIndex, and ImageKey. Furthermore, we can add small images to the elements through the properties like SmallImage, SmallImageIndex, and SmallImageKey. The KetticRibbonBar will only display the small images when the users change the size of the form where the control is shown. The small images will display more elements.
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