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Customize EditAppointment dialog for Scheduler in C#.NET

KetticScheduler WinForms control provides an intuitive edit appointment dialog for the developers to create, edit, or delete the appointments. The customization of an appointment can be achieved by adding a custom field to the EditAppointmentDialog. In this article, we are going to create an E-mail field and add it to the appointment dialog. The added field will be displayed in the dialog as a control, as well as kept as a value in the custom appointment. The following C# tutorial demonstrates the process of the customization.

C# Customizing EditAppointmentDialog in Scheduler

  • Create a new form to derive from the EditAppointmentDialog in your C# Windows application
  • Open the newly created scheduler dialog at design time, add a label under the Resource label and a text box under the text box with the name txtEmail
  • Copy and paste the C# code below to the event handler for extending the EditAppointmentDialog
  • Create a new appointment C# class to derive from the Appointment C# class
  • Add an Email property to the new appointment C# class
  • Copy and paste the C# code below to the event handler for extending the appointment C# class
  • Use the C# code below to create an appointment factory to return the AppointmentWithEmail
  • Subscribe to the AppointmentEditDialogShowing event in your new appointment C# class
  • Replace the default appointment dialog with the one newly created through the AppointmentEditDialog property of the event arguments in the event handler
  • Create a global variable for customization rather than create a new instance of the form each time when reusing this dialog
  • Use the C# code below to associate the new EditAppointment dialog

CustomAppointmentEditForm appointmentDialog = null;

void ketticScheduler1_AppointmentEditDialogShowing(object sender, AppointmentEditDialogShowingEventArgs e)
if (this.appointmentDialog == null)
this.appointmentDialog = new CustomAppointmentEditForm();
e.AppointmentEditDialog = this.appointmentDialog;

  • Assign the custom AppointmentFactory to the KetticScheduler with the C# code below

this.ketticScheduler1.AppointmentFactory = new CustomAppointmentFactory();

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